I struggled with file organization for just over a decade before finally writing this article to describe problems and solutions.
The default method of doing this tends to be clunky online file sharing services, or old school email attachments, both of which are inefficient and error-prone. A collection of tools for Hi-C data analysis. Contribute to mdozmorov/HiC_tools development by creating an account on GitHub. Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! – - serverless/serverless FoundationPress is a WordPress starter theme based on Foundation 6 by Zurb - olefredrik/FoundationPress Preparing to unpack python-setuptools_39.0.1-2_all.deb Unpacking python-setuptools (39.0.1-2) Setting up python-pip-whl (9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1) Setting up python-pkg-resources (39.0.1-2) Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3…
The default method of doing this tends to be clunky online file sharing services, or old school email attachments, both of which are inefficient and error-prone. A collection of tools for Hi-C data analysis. Contribute to mdozmorov/HiC_tools development by creating an account on GitHub. Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! – - serverless/serverless FoundationPress is a WordPress starter theme based on Foundation 6 by Zurb - olefredrik/FoundationPress Preparing to unpack python-setuptools_39.0.1-2_all.deb Unpacking python-setuptools (39.0.1-2) Setting up python-pip-whl (9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1) Setting up python-pkg-resources (39.0.1-2) Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3… import unittest E from full_names import get_full_name === Error: test_first_last (__main__.NamesTestCase) class NamesTestCase(unittest.TestCase): Test names like Janis Joplin. """Tests for names.py."" --- Traceback (most recent call last… The chef-server.rb file is a Ruby file, which means that conditional statements can be used within it.
PacBio Assembly Tool Suite: Reads in ⇨ Assembly out - PacificBiosciences/pb-assembly via https://bitbucket.org/simplecodes/wtforms/issue/145/i18n-on-validators After wtforms releasing a new version, we can make i18n simpler. ALL IN ONE Guides FOR Hackintosh Hi friends! Here are all the guides that Ive written based on my experience with the help of my friends. Some are based on existing guides, but I have redefined to suit more system. To compute fraction overlap of genes predicted as significant with Cancer Gene Census (CGC) and with the eight methods evaluated here, a freeze of CGC (karchinlab.org/data/Protocol/CGC-freeze-download-date-20160401.tsv) and predictions from… Instant integration of Ian Bicking's WebTest (http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/webtest/) with django's testing framework.
a list of javascript modules for doing http stuff. Contribute to nice-registry/http-modules development by creating an account on GitHub.
PHP proxy and extensible web interface forwarding standard HKP requests to a local or remote SKS OpenPGP Keyserver. - ctubio/php-proxy-keyserver You can also pull it from bitbucket directly using mercurial: “hg clone http://bitbucket.org/mirnylab/hiclib”. This prevents you from being able to see error messages generated by bitcoind (as they are sent with status 404 or 500). The EasyBitcoin-PHP library is similar in function to JSON-RPC PHP but does not have this issue. Downloading the DTD may or may not be a working idea in practice – it is certainly not recommended, since the purpose of the URI, as the text above clearly says, is *not* to give a place to download some file, it is to uniquely identify the… The simple syntax of Markdown assures the long-term readability of raw files and the development of software and workflows. Full list of changes in SmartGit releases reverse geocoding for PHP. This class supports up to 6 geocode engines using their json capabilities. Reverse geocode at Google, bing, nominatim, geonames, cloudmade and yahoo. Optional MemCached support built in.